Roll Models serves as an advocate group for the Tabletop RPG community including facilitators, organizers, and players of gaming clubs for both children and adults.

  • In tabletop roleplaying games (RPGs), players act as adventurers, working together towards a common goal. They work as a cohesive unit throughout the game. In this time, individual players begin to learn how to act and react to a wide variety of characters as well as each other, creating a strong team building environment. Players also learn to express themselves through the characters they create; giving them ownership and the freedom of creativity to explore any number of individual adventures. RPGs give the players the tools to communicate all this and more.The stories are unscripted, with a set of rules and boundaries, it’s the players creativity and the roll of the dice that makes the work they are exploring everything it can be.

  • When playing a RPG, there is a party of adventurers working toward some kind of goal. Often at the beginning of the adventure, the characters meet somewhere in the game – sometimes an inn or a town. Not only do the different characters have to figure out how they act or react to other characters, but players have to do the same with each other. Figuring out how to get different characters to come together for a common goal is a great way to introduce team building. RPGs give the players the tools to communicate. The stories are unscripted, whatever they decide is what happens. The players learn how to express themselves through the characters they chose to play. Players have to find ways to communicate with one another.

  • A Game Master (GM) will throw puzzles at their players. This could be in the form of a difficult scenario where they need to use diplomacy to get things done, or it could be an actual real world puzzle thrown in front of them. Some GMs throw a timer on the table to add a sense of urgency to the situation. The players have to work together to solve the puzzle before time is up. Not only are they learning to work together, they are learning how to work under pressure in a safe, non-real world setting where mistakes are encouraged and role playing is the essence of the story!

  • Learning how to take legible and credible notes during a RPG session can help the player learn to take better notes in school – which can be a huge benefit to their study habits. Good note takers develop discerning listening skills – the ability to pick out the important information and know what needs to be remembered.

  • Through role-playing, players can discover how they may react when faced with intimidating emotions, tense or difficult situations, or complex social dilemmas in a safe place. The characters will interact with NPC's of all shapes, sizes, and creeds. Role-playing can help build empathy with those who are different from you by highlighting what we all have in common. Role-playing can help players explore who they are or who they want to be, and make memories that can last a lifetime.